Thursday, December 30, 2010

Simulating ORACLE ROWNUM in SQL Server

Simulating ORACLE ROWNUM in SQL Server:
Here is the approach you can use to generate a pseudo row number in SQL Server.

The table format and data:

select * from A

c1 c2
101 0
102 0
103 0

(3 row(s) affected)

Approach 1:
select rank=count(*),a.c1,a.c2 from A a ,A b
where a.c1+a.c2 > = b.c1+b.c2
group by a.c1,a.c2

rank c1 c2
1 101 0
2 102 0
3 103 0

(3 row(s) affected)

Approach 2 :
select rank() OVER (ORDER BY a.c1,a.c2) as rank,a.c1,a.c2
from A a
order by rank

rank c1 c2
1 101 0
2 102 0
3 103 0

(3 row(s) affected)

Finally very very simple method:
drop table #T
Select IDENTITY(int, 1,1) id, * INTO #T from A
Select * from #T

id c1 c2
1 101 0
2 102 0
3 103 0

(3 row(s) affected)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The EXECUTE AS and the REVERT are used to change the execution logins. We see the example to change the connection details and coming back to old one.

The client has connected using the “Test” user and “EXECUTE AS” statement changes the Login connection as “Demo” user. The second result set shows that.

The REVERT command switches the execution context back to the Test user.

Explanation about the keywords:
EXECUTE AS Clause - helps us to define the execution context.

REVERT - Switches the execution context back to the caller of the last EXECUTE AS statement

SUSER_NAME() - Returns the login identification name of the user.

USER_NAME() - Returns a database user name.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Error message is: The directory name is invalid in SQL Server

Error Message: in SQL server
An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: The directory name is invalid.

This error will come when your disk space is very low or if the directory is protected.

Solution:check your disk space or try connecting the SQL server from some other machine.