Thursday, December 30, 2010

Simulating ORACLE ROWNUM in SQL Server

Simulating ORACLE ROWNUM in SQL Server:
Here is the approach you can use to generate a pseudo row number in SQL Server.

The table format and data:

select * from A

c1 c2
101 0
102 0
103 0

(3 row(s) affected)

Approach 1:
select rank=count(*),a.c1,a.c2 from A a ,A b
where a.c1+a.c2 > = b.c1+b.c2
group by a.c1,a.c2

rank c1 c2
1 101 0
2 102 0
3 103 0

(3 row(s) affected)

Approach 2 :
select rank() OVER (ORDER BY a.c1,a.c2) as rank,a.c1,a.c2
from A a
order by rank

rank c1 c2
1 101 0
2 102 0
3 103 0

(3 row(s) affected)

Finally very very simple method:
drop table #T
Select IDENTITY(int, 1,1) id, * INTO #T from A
Select * from #T

id c1 c2
1 101 0
2 102 0
3 103 0

(3 row(s) affected)

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