PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output, and performs aggregations where they are required on any remaining column values that are wanted in the final output.
CREATE TABLE Sales (Make varchar(8), Year int, Sales int)
Insert into Sales values ('Honda',2005,20000)
Insert into Sales values ('Honda',2005,60000)
Insert into Sales values ('Mahindra',2005,40000)
Insert into Sales values ('Honda',2006,30000)
Insert into Sales values ('Mahindra',2006,30000)
Insert into Sales values ('Mahindra',2006,60000)
Insert into Sales values ('Mahindra',2007,8000)
Actual Group by, get Number of cars sold for each make in each year.
Select Make,YEAR,SUM(Sales) from Sales
group by Make,Year
group by Make,Year
Transposed of above query
Select * from Sales pivot(Sum(sales) for Year in ([2001],[2002],[2003],[2004],[2005],[2006],[2007])) t
Restricting the columns which we need to show.
Select * from Sales pivot(Sum(sales) for Year in ([2005],[2006],[2007])) t
List sum of each product sold for each year and product should have been sold all the years and not just 1 year.
Select * from Sales pivot(Sum(sales) for Year in ([2005],[2006],[2007])) t
where [2007] is not null
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